PTA Information

PTA Board:


KYLE DIAMOND- Vice President


LEAH WOLSH- Secretary 

TBA- Membership

TBA- Teacher Representative 

Join the PTA TODAY! 

See the form/QR code below

Membership= $6.00 per family

Membership Goal= 110%

Contact email:  Barron school

What is the Barron PTA and What Do We Do? 

PTA stands for “Parent Teacher Association” and is headed by an elected Executive Board made up of parents just like you. Your PTA helps parents and teachers communicate with each other about children’s school lives. Your PTA also plans and pays for many events and programs.

Here are some examples of what your PTA will support this year:

We challenge you to get involved, support your Barron PTA, and make this the BEST year ever for all of our children! Together we can be one of the most successful PTAs in Hampton.

Here are some ways you can get involved: