Arrival for children begins at 8:30am.  All children must be picked up 20 minutes after dismissal: 3:55pm on full days. 1:55pm on early dismissal/close days   

9:00am-3:35pm  (full day)   and 9:00am-1:35pm (Early Dismissal/Early Close 

Hours for Pre-K on Early Dismissal/Early Close: 

8:30am-11:00am (Morning Class ) and 11:00am-1:35pm  (Afternoon Class)   

What is a Choice School?

Barron Fundamental School serves students in grades K-5; and follow the same curriculum as the other Hampton City Schools. Parents sign a fundamental school contract upon registration. Students are accepted by application on a first-come, first-served, space-available basis. Siblings of enrolled students are accepted into the school through fifth grade. Registrations are accepted throughout the year. Applications for the kindergarten waiting list are accepted beginning August 1 of the year the child turns 4. Students must be 5 by September 30 to attend kindergarten. Kindergarten students who live within the Barron attendance zone have priority at Barron.  Transportation is only provided to students who live within Barron's zone.

Vision Statement

Barron Elementary School's success is based on cooperation and the positive interaction between students, parents, and school. We believe every child is capable of learning; and the guiding tenets to our philosophy are responsibility, respect, and resourcefulness. To this end, Barron aspires to foster the love of learning within each child:

We believe that active, interested learners become well-adjusted, productive citizens!


History of Barron Elementary School

Barron Elementary proudly opened its doors on September 24, 1961. It was so named to honor the Barron family, an old Hampton family, of which several members in succeeding generations made significant contributions to the history of our city, state, and nation.

In the early 17th century, Captain Samuel Barron came to Virginia from Bristol, England. He was placed in command of Fort George (now known as Fort Monroe) and was responsible for the safe evacuation of its inhabitants when a hurricane destroyed the fort in 1749. Captain Barron died in 1750, leaving three sons.

Thomas Jefferson, Virginia's governor, appointed the youngest son of Samuel Barron, James, commander of Virginia's Navy in 1779. He held this command until his death in 1787.

James Barron left two sons, Samuel and James. Both boys enlisted in the Virginia Navy under their father at early ages. Both joined the infant United States Navy in 1798 and were involved in the action against the Barbary pirates off Tripoli in the Mediterranean Sea.

Samuel Barron commanded the 36 gun Philadelphia and James Barron had first the President and later the New York under his command. Samuel Barron replaced Preble in the Mediterranean as the US Commander and peace was declared with the pirates.

James Barron was in command of the Chesapeake, which was fired upon by the British Leopard in the Chesapeake Bay. Held responsible for this, suspended from the Navy for five years and disgraced, Barron spent several years in Europe. As a result of an exchange of letters during this period, Barron fought a duel with Stephen Decatur in 1820 in this country and killed Decatur as a result. In 1822 Barron was cleared by the US government and placed in charge of the Navy Yard in Philadelphia. He retired from this post in 1838 and died in 1851 as the senior officer of the United States Navy. A later Barron served in the Confederacy during the Civil War as an officer of the Confederate Navy.

Thus the Barron family of Hampton made monumental contributions to America's naval history and in recognition of this; Barron School has been so named. There are descendants of the the Barron family still residing in Hampton, Virginia.